Dr. Gilboa Explaining to a Patient

DR. Gilboa Smiling Under Pressure

Dr. Gilboa Reading Papers at his Office

The "Boss" 1969 A Student's Catch 1969

Dr. Gilboa Speaking at Thyroid Congress in Rome 1965

Dr. Gilboa Talking at the Hospital assaf Harofeh

Professor Gilboa Reading Notes for the Lecture

Professor Gilboa talking at the Hospital

Professor Gilboa with Internal Medicine Department Staff

Professor Gilboa with american Students at Assaf Harofeh Hospital

Professor Gilboa in Action Assaf Harofeh 1989

Professor Gilboa with Dr. Zekler

Professor Gilboa Teaching at Tel Aviv University

Professor Gilboa Reading the New England Journal of Medicine
Meetings at Mabat Assaf HaRofeh

Farewell Party from Mabat at assaf Harofeh
Thank You Letter from a Patient

Thank You Letter from a Patient

Reading in His Office at Assaf Harofeh